70. Berlinale 2020


What’s up? (Abb.: Social Media Icons)

So kann man es auch sehen – ein Whats-App-Dialog zwischen einer ausländischen Produzentin (A) und einem Filmkritiker (C) – Berlinale-Tagebuch, Folge 04

Von Rüdiger Suchsland

A: I did not see you at Berlinale

C: I was always in the subway or in the bunker. still here?

A: Already in Paris. Let’s catch up in Cannes. Very curious about your impres­sions of this Berlinale

C: Paris is great. Berlinale is no place to have a nice evening…
My impres­sions are: some good films but still not on the level it should be. And an apoca­lyptic atmo­sphere

A: and where are the stars?

C: in heaven

A: it’s very much like a big Locarno no? but I think it can grow. it’s a first edition.

C: Auteurs should be the stars. but where are the auteurs?

A: Well, exactly.
If not the classic stars then the cinemas new statement it’s not there

C: Your favorite films?

A: I didn’t see much unfort­u­n­a­tely

C: and encoun­ters is just canni­ba­li­sing the forum

A: that’s a declared war

C: I know, even Cristina denied it

A: diplomacy during wars is essential

C: and she will not win it

A: no I’m sorry for her but she will not

C: It’s Terhechtes guilt. he destroyed forum long ago.

A: He was not doing a great job. and he had all the condi­tions to do it.

C: Terhechte was embedded from the start

A: and the compe­ti­tion and encoun­ters could have switched films in many cases

C: should have

A: Yes

C: But I have to admit that Mark Peransons attitude and the sect around him is as well painful to observe

A: of course

C: I know he’s a friend but...

A: not really. difficult to be friends with Mark
let’s see how the German press takes this edition

C: they are very reserved even nasty sometimes

A: I see

C: I am a defender so far. Of Carlo.

A: Well it’s at least more exciting then before. the last years of Dieter

C: Not very exciting. Could not be worse than Kosslick.

A: exactly. already exciting to see how someone else is thinking the festival. even if it’s not with great ideas

C: and the condi­tions are unbe­arable

A: which condi­tions?

C: Condi­tions: no cinemas. no press scree­nings. No restau­rants. no places to stay in decency.

A: True. And the ticket system. i had to buy a ticket.

C: and ticket yes

A: Rotterdam does it much better

C: And the public transport

A: it’s a disaster

C: And the weather. even god pisses on Berlinale.

A: But you are press you have the best badge. And scree­nings

C: Press badge means compe­ti­tion and parallel encoun­ters and only 13 Panorama films. ever­y­thing else you need a ticket and you do not get much after noon.